Source code for cdflib.xarray.cdf_to_xarray

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import xarray as xr

from cdflib import CDF
from cdflib.dataclasses import AttData, VDRInfo
from cdflib.epochs import CDFepoch as cdfepoch
from cdflib.logging import logger

ISTP_TO_XARRAY_ATTRS = {"FIELDNAM": "standard_name", "LABLAXIS": "long_name", "UNITS": "units"}

def _find_xarray_plotting_values(var_att_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    This is a simple function that looks through a variable attribute dictionary for ISTP attributes that are similar
    to ones used natively by Xarray, specifically their plotting routines.  If some are found, this returns a dictionary
    object of this new xarray attributes
    :param var_att_dict: A dictionary of attributes that a variable has
    :return:a dictionary of attributes that should be added to the created XArray DataArray
    xarray_att_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}
    if not var_att_dict:
        return xarray_att_dict
    for key, value in var_att_dict.items():
        if key in ISTP_TO_XARRAY_ATTRS:
            xarray_att_dict[ISTP_TO_XARRAY_ATTRS[key]] = value
    return xarray_att_dict

def _convert_cdf_time_types(
    data: npt.ArrayLike, atts: Dict[str, AttData], properties: VDRInfo, to_datetime: bool = False, to_unixtime: bool = False
) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray, Dict[str, Any]]:
    # Converts CDF time types into either datetime objects, unixtime, or nothing
    # If nothing, ALL CDF_EPOCH16 types are converted to CDF_EPOCH, because xarray can't handle int64s

    data = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(data))

    # Convert all data in the "data" variable to unixtime or datetime if needed
    data_type = properties.Data_Type_Description
    if len(data) == 0 or data_type not in ("CDF_EPOCH", "CDF_EPOCH16", "CDF_TIME_TT2000"):
        new_data = data
        if to_datetime:
            new_data = cdfepoch.to_datetime(data)
            if "UNITS" in atts:
                atts["UNITS"].Data = "Datetime (UTC)"
        elif to_unixtime:
            new_data = cdfepoch.unixtime(data)
            if "UNITS" in atts:
                atts["UNITS"].Data = "seconds"
            if data_type == "CDF_EPOCH16":
                new_data = cdfepoch.compute(cdfepoch.breakdown(data)[0:7])
                new_data = data

    # Convert all the attributes in the "atts" dictionary to unixtime or datetime if needed
    new_atts = {}
    time_converted_attrs = []
    for att in atts:
        attr_data_type = atts[att].Data_Type
        data = atts[att].Data
        if attr_data_type not in ("CDF_EPOCH", "CDF_EPOCH16", "CDF_TIME_TT2000"):
            new_atts[att] = data
            if to_datetime:
                new_atts[att] = cdfepoch.to_datetime(data)
            elif to_unixtime:
                new_atts[att] = cdfepoch.unixtime(data)
                if attr_data_type == "CDF_EPOCH16":
                    new_atts[att] = cdfepoch.compute(cdfepoch.breakdown(data)[0:7])
                    new_atts[att] = data

    # This is a bit of a hack, these data types are ambiguous
    # Lets add an attribute so at least we retain some information about what these numbers represent
    if data_type in ("CDF_EPOCH", "CDF_REAL4", "CDF_REAL8"):
        new_atts["CDF_DATA_TYPE"] = data_type

    # Another hack for now, if we convert the data to datetime or unixtime we want to have a memory of what it was before
    if data_type in ("CDF_EPOCH", "CDF_EPOCH16") and (to_datetime or to_unixtime):
        new_atts["CDF_DATA_TYPE"] = data_type
    elif data_type == "CDF_TIME_TT2000" and to_unixtime:
        new_atts["CDF_DATA_TYPE"] = data_type

    # Yet another hack, if we convert the attributes too we need to somehow keep track of what was converted
    if time_converted_attrs:
        new_atts["TIME_ATTRS"] = time_converted_attrs

    return new_data, new_atts

def _convert_cdf_to_dicts(
    filename: Union[str, Path], to_datetime: bool = False, to_unixtime: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[Union[str, np.ndarray]]], Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, npt.NDArray], Dict[str, VDRInfo]]:
    # Open the CDF file
    # Converts the entire CDF file into python dictionary objects

    cdf_file = CDF(filename, string_encoding="latin-1")
    cdf_info = cdf_file.cdf_info()
    all_cdf_variables = cdf_info.rVariables + cdf_info.zVariables

    # Gather all Global Attributes
        gatt = cdf_file.globalattsget()
    except BaseException:
        gatt = {}

    # Gather all information about the CDF file, and store in the below dictionaries
    variable_data: Dict[str, npt.NDArray] = {}
    variable_attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    variable_properties: Dict[str, VDRInfo] = {}

    for var_name in all_cdf_variables:
        var_attribute_list = cdf_file.varattsget(var_name)
        var_data_temp: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] = {}
        var_atts_temp: Dict[str, AttData] = {}
        for att in var_attribute_list:
            var_atts_temp[att] = cdf_file.attget(att, var_name)
        variable_properties[var_name] = cdf_file.varinq(var_name)
        # Gather the actual variable data
        if variable_properties[var_name].Last_Rec < 0:
            var_data_temp[var_name] = np.array([])
            var_data_temp[var_name] = cdf_file.varget(var_name)

        variable_data[var_name], variable_attributes[var_name] = _convert_cdf_time_types(
            var_data_temp[var_name], var_atts_temp, variable_properties[var_name], to_datetime=to_datetime, to_unixtime=to_unixtime

    return gatt, variable_attributes, variable_data, variable_properties

def _verify_depend_dimensions(
    dataset: Dict[str, npt.NDArray],
    dimension_number: int,
    primary_variable_name: str,
    coordinate_variable_name: str,
    primary_variable_properties: VDRInfo,
) -> bool:
    primary_data = np.array(dataset[primary_variable_name])
    coordinate_data = np.array(dataset[coordinate_variable_name])

    if len(primary_data.shape) != 0 and len(coordinate_data.shape) == 0:
            f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but the dimensions do not match."
        return False

    if len(coordinate_data.shape) != 0 and len(primary_data.shape) == 0:
            f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but the dimensions do not match."
        return False

    if len(coordinate_data.shape) > 2:
            f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} has too many dimensions to be the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}"
        return False
    if len(coordinate_data.shape) == 2:
        if primary_data.shape[0] != coordinate_data.shape[0]:
                f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but the Epoch dimensions do not match."
            return False

    if primary_variable_properties.Rec_Vary and primary_variable_properties.Last_Rec > 0:
        if len(primary_data.shape) <= dimension_number:
                f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but {primary_variable_name} does not have that many dimensions"
            return False

        if primary_data.shape[dimension_number] != coordinate_data.shape[-1]:
                f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but the dimensions do not match."
            return False
        if len(primary_data.shape) <= dimension_number - 1:
                f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but {primary_variable_name} does not have that many dimensions"
            return False

        if primary_data.shape[dimension_number - 1] != coordinate_data.shape[-1]:
            # This is kind of a hack for now.
            # DEPEND_1 can sometimes refer to the first dimension in a variable, and sometimes the second.
            # So we require both the first and second dimensions don't match the coordinate size before we definitely
            # reject it.
            if len(primary_data.shape) > dimension_number and primary_data.shape[dimension_number] != coordinate_data.shape[-1]:
                    f"ISTP Compliance Warning: {coordinate_variable_name} is listed as the DEPEND_{dimension_number} for variable {primary_variable_name}, but the dimensions do not match."
                return False

    return True

def _discover_depend_variables(vardata: Dict[str, npt.NDArray], varatts: Dict[str, Any], varprops: Dict[str, VDRInfo]) -> List[str]:
    # This loops through the variable attributes to discover which variables are the coordinates of other variables,
    # Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell this by looking at the variable ITSELF,
    # you need to look at all variables and see if one points to it.

    depend_regex = re.compile("depend_[0-9]+$")

    list_of_depend_vars = []

    for v in varatts:
        depend_keys = [x for x in list(varatts[v].keys()) if depend_regex.match(x.lower())]
        for d in depend_keys:
            if varatts[v][d] in vardata:
                if _verify_depend_dimensions(vardata, int(d[-1]), v, varatts[v][d], varprops[v]):

    return list(set(list_of_depend_vars))

def _discover_uncertainty_variables(varatts: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    # This loops through the variable attributes to discover which variables are the labels of other variables
    # Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell this by looking at the label variable itself
    # This returns a KEY:VALUE pair, with the LABEL VARIABLE corresponding to which dimension it covers.

    list_of_label_vars = {}

    for v in varatts:
        if "DELTA_PLUS_VAR" in varatts[v].keys():
            list_of_label_vars[varatts[v]["DELTA_PLUS_VAR"]] = v
        if "DELTA_MINUS_VAR" in varatts[v].keys():
            list_of_label_vars[varatts[v]["DELTA_MINUS_VAR"]] = v
    return list_of_label_vars

def _discover_label_variables(
    varatts: Dict[str, Any], all_variable_properties: Dict[str, VDRInfo], all_variable_data: Dict[str, npt.NDArray]
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    # This loops through the variable attributes to discover which variables are the labels of other variables
    # Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell this by looking at the label variable itself
    # This returns a KEY:VALUE pair, with the LABEL VARIABLE corresponding to which dimension it covers.

    list_of_label_vars: Dict[str, str] = {}

    for v in varatts:
        label_keys = [x for x in list(varatts[v].keys()) if x.startswith("LABL_PTR_")]
        for lab in label_keys:
            label_dependency = "DEPEND_" + lab[-1]
            if label_dependency not in varatts[v]:
            depend_var_name = varatts[v][label_dependency]

            if (
                and len(all_variable_properties[v].Dim_Sizes) > 0
                and (
                    all_variable_properties[depend_var_name].Dim_Sizes[0] == all_variable_properties[v].Dim_Sizes[int(lab[-1]) - 1]
                if all_variable_data[depend_var_name].size == 0:

            if varatts[v][lab] not in varatts:
                    f"Warning, variable {v} points to {varatts[v][lab]} as label {lab}, but {varatts[v][lab]} does not exist\n."
                    f"Setting {varatts[v][lab]} as long_name instead."
                varatts[v]["LABLAXIS"] = varatts[v][lab]
                varatts[v]["long_name"] = varatts[v][lab]

            list_of_label_vars[varatts[v][lab]] = depend_var_name

    return list_of_label_vars

def _convert_fillvals_to_nan(var_data: npt.NDArray, var_atts: Dict[str, Any], var_properties: VDRInfo) -> npt.NDArray:
    if var_atts is None:
        return var_data
    if var_data is None:
        return var_data

    new_data = var_data
    if "FILLVAL" in var_atts:
        if var_properties.Data_Type_Description in (
            if new_data.size > 1:
                if new_data[new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]].size != 0:
                    if new_data.dtype.type == np.datetime64:
                        new_data[new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]] = np.datetime64("nat")
                        new_data[new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]] = np.nan
                if new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]:
                    if new_data.dtype.type == np.datetime64:
                        new_data[new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]] = np.array(np.datetime64("nat"))
                        new_data[new_data == var_atts["FILLVAL"]] = np.array(np.nan)
    return new_data

def _determine_record_dimensions(
    var_name: str,
    var_atts: Dict[str, Any],
    var_data: npt.NDArray,
    var_props: VDRInfo,
    depend_variables: List[str],
    all_variable_data: Dict[str, npt.NDArray],
    all_variable_properties: Dict[str, VDRInfo],
    created_unlimited_dims: Dict[str, int],
) -> Tuple[str, bool, bool]:
    Determines the name of the dimensions that the variables span

    if var_props.Rec_Vary and var_props.Last_Rec >= 0:
        # Check if this variable is itself the dimension
        if var_name in depend_variables and (len(var_props.Dim_Sizes) == 0 or var_props.Last_Rec >= 0):
            if not (len(var_props.Dim_Sizes) > 0 and var_props.Last_Rec > 0):
                return var_name, True, False
            # There might be dimensions listed, but they might not vary
            if len(var_props.Dim_Sizes) > 0:
                for i in range(0, len(var_props.Dim_Sizes)):
                    if var_props.Dim_Vary[i]:
                    return var_name, True, False

        # Check if the dimension is already defined within the attribute section
        if "DEPEND_0" in var_atts:
            depend_0_variable_name = var_atts["DEPEND_0"]
            if depend_0_variable_name not in all_variable_properties:
                    f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_0 as {depend_0_variable_name}, but no"
                    f" variable by that name was found."
                if len(all_variable_data[depend_0_variable_name]) == len(var_data):
                    return depend_0_variable_name, True, False
                        f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_0 as {depend_0_variable_name}, but they have different dimension lengths."

        # If the variable still isn't found, it should be fine to name the dimension after the variable
        if var_name in depend_variables and not udim_found:
            depend_dimensions[var_name] = len(var_data)
            udim_found = True

        # If none of the above, check if the length of this variable dimension
        # matches a non-specific one that has already been created
        for udim in created_unlimited_dims:
            if len(var_data) == created_unlimited_dims[udim]:
                return udim, False, False

        # If none of the above, create a new dimension variable
        new_udim_name = "record" + str(len(created_unlimited_dims))
        return new_udim_name, False, True

    elif "DEPEND_0" in var_atts:
        # Check if the dimension is already defined within the attribute section
        depend_0_variable_name = var_atts["DEPEND_0"]
        if depend_0_variable_name not in all_variable_properties:
                f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_0 as {depend_0_variable_name}, but no"
                f" variable by that name was found."
            if len(all_variable_data[depend_0_variable_name]) == len(var_data) and len(var_data) != 0:
                return depend_0_variable_name, True, False
                    f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_0 as {depend_0_variable_name}, but they have different dimension lengths."

        return None, False, False

        # If none of the above, check if the length of this variable dimension matches a non-specific one that has already been created
        # for udim in created_unlimited_dims:
        #    if len(var_data) == created_unlimited_dims[udim]:
        #        return udim, False, False

        # If none of the above, create a new dimension variable
        # new_udim_name = 'record' + str(len(created_unlimited_dims))
        # return new_udim_name, False, True

        return None, False, False

def _determine_dimension_names(
    var_name: str,
    var_atts: Dict[str, Any],
    var_data: npt.NDArray,
    var_props: VDRInfo,
    depend_variables: List[str],
    all_variable_data: Dict[str, npt.NDArray],
    all_variable_properties: Dict[str, VDRInfo],
    created_regular_dims: Dict[str, int],
    record_name_found: str,
) -> List[Tuple[str, int, bool, bool]]:
    return_list = []

    if len(var_props.Dim_Sizes) != 0 and var_props.Last_Rec >= 0:
        i = 0
        skip_first_dim = bool(record_name_found)
        for dim_size in var_data.shape:
            if skip_first_dim:
                skip_first_dim = False

            i += 1

            # Check if the dimension is already defined within the attribute section
            if "DEPEND_" + str(i) in var_atts:
                depend_i_variable_name = var_atts["DEPEND_" + str(i)]
                if depend_i_variable_name not in all_variable_properties:
                        f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_{str(i)} as {depend_i_variable_name}, but no"
                        f" variable by that name was found."
                    depend_i_variable_data = np.array(all_variable_data[depend_i_variable_name])

                    if not record_name_found:
                        dimension_number = i - 1
                        dimension_number = i

                    if (
                        depend_i_variable_data.size != 0
                        and len(depend_i_variable_data.shape) == 1
                        and len(var_data.shape) > dimension_number
                        and (depend_i_variable_data.shape[0] == var_data.shape[dimension_number])
                        return_list.append((depend_i_variable_name, dim_size, True, False))
                    elif (
                        len(depend_i_variable_data.shape) > 1
                        and depend_i_variable_data.size != 0
                        and len(var_data.shape) > dimension_number
                        and (depend_i_variable_data.shape[1] == var_data.shape[dimension_number])
                        return_list.append((depend_i_variable_name + "_dim", dim_size, True, False))
                            f"Warning: Variable {var_name} listed DEPEND_{str(i)} as {depend_i_variable_name}"
                            f", but that variable's dimensions do not match {var_name}'s dimensions."

            # There may be occasions where there was no time-varying reccord identified, but the users intended for it
            # to exist.  Thus, all the DEPEND_X's are off by 1.  We should still try to incorporate those.
            if "DEPEND_" + str(i - 1) in var_atts and not record_name_found:
                depend_i_variable_name = var_atts["DEPEND_" + str(i - 1)]
                if depend_i_variable_name in all_variable_properties:
                    depend_i_variable_data = np.array(all_variable_data[depend_i_variable_name])
                    if (
                        depend_i_variable_data.size != 0
                        and len(depend_i_variable_data.shape) == 1
                        and len(var_data.shape) > i - 1
                        and (depend_i_variable_data.shape[0] == var_data.shape[i - 1])
                            f"Warning: Variable {var_name} has no determined time-varying component, but  "
                            f"{depend_i_variable_name} was determined to match closely with one of the dimensions."
                            f"  It will be set automatically for convenience."
                        return_list.append((depend_i_variable_name, dim_size, True, False))
                    elif (
                        len(depend_i_variable_data.shape) > 1
                        and depend_i_variable_data.size != 0
                        and len(var_data.shape) > i - 1
                        and (depend_i_variable_data.shape[1] == var_data.shape[i - 1])
                            f"Warning: Variable {var_name} has no determined time-varying component, but  "
                            f"{depend_i_variable_name} was determined to match closely with one of the dimensions."
                            f"  It will be set automatically for convenience."
                        return_list.append((depend_i_variable_name + "_dim", dim_size, True, False))

            # Check if the variable is itself a dimension
            if var_name in depend_variables:
                if len(var_data.shape) == 2 and var_props.Last_Rec == 0:
                    if i == 1 and not record_name_found:
                        basic_dimension_name = var_name + "_dim"
                        return_list.append((basic_dimension_name, dim_size, True, False))
                elif var_props.Rec_Vary and var_props.Last_Rec != 0:
                    basic_dimension_name = var_name + "_dim"
                    for x in return_list:
                        vn = x[0]
                        ds = x[1]
                        if vn == basic_dimension_name and dim_size != ds:
                            basic_dimension_name = var_name + "_dim" + str(i)
                    return_list.append((basic_dimension_name, dim_size, True, False))
                    return_list.append((var_name, dim_size, True, False))

            # If none of the above, check if a non-specific dimension name was already created with this dimension length
            for dim in created_regular_dims:
                if dim_size == created_regular_dims[dim]:
                    return_list.append((dim, dim_size, True, False))
                # If none of the above, create a new non-specific dimension name
                return_list.append(("dim" + str(len(created_regular_dims)), dim_size, False, True))
                created_regular_dims["dim" + str(len(created_regular_dims))] = dim_size

    return return_list

def _reformat_variable_dims_and_data(
    var_dims: List[str], var_data: Optional[np.ndarray]
) -> Tuple[Union[str, List[str]], npt.NDArray]:
    if len(var_dims) > 0 and var_data is None:
        var_data = np.array([])

    # For some reason, there are times when the actual shape of the data doesn't match the dimensions listed.
    if var_data is not None:
        if len(np.array(var_data).shape) > len(var_dims):
            var_data = np.squeeze(var_data)
        if len(np.array(var_data).shape) < len(var_dims):
            var_data = np.expand_dims(var_data, axis=0)

    # Check if both dimensions and data are empty, if so, set the dimension to the empty dimension
    if var_data.size == 0 and not len(var_dims):
        var_dims_: Union[str, List[str]] = "dim_empty"
        var_dims_ = var_dims

    return var_dims_, var_data

def _generate_xarray_data_variables(
    all_variable_data: Dict[str, npt.NDArray],
    all_variable_attributes: Dict[str, Any],
    all_variable_properties: Dict[str, VDRInfo],
    fillval_to_nan: bool,
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, xr.Variable], Dict[str, int]]:
    # Make a list of all of the special variables in the file.  These are variables that are pointed to by
    # other variables.
    depend_variables = _discover_depend_variables(all_variable_data, all_variable_attributes, all_variable_properties)
    created_unlimited_dims: Dict[str, int] = {}  # These hold the records of the names/lengths of the created "unlimited" dimensions
    created_regular_dims: Dict[
        str, int
    ] = {}  # These hold the records of the names/lengths of the standard dimensions of the variable
    depend_dimensions: Dict[
        str, int
    ] = {}  # This will be used after the creation of DataArrays, to determine which are "data" and which are "coordinates"
    created_vars: Dict[str, xr.Variable] = {}

    for var_name in all_variable_data:
        var_dims: List[str] = []
        var_atts = all_variable_attributes[var_name]
        var_data = np.array(all_variable_data[var_name])
        var_props = all_variable_properties[var_name]

        # Determine the dimension name of the CDF Records, based on all info in the file
        record_dim_name, dependency, newly_created = _determine_record_dimensions(
        # Append the dimension name to the list of dimensions
        if record_dim_name:
            if dependency:
                depend_dimensions[record_dim_name] = len(var_data)
            if newly_created:
                created_unlimited_dims[record_dim_name] = len(var_data)

        # Determine the dimension names of the labeled Dimensions in the CDF file
        returned_dimension_info = _determine_dimension_names(

        # Append the dimensions to the list of defined dimension names
        for dimension_dim_names, dimension_size, dependency, newly_created in returned_dimension_info:
            if dimension_dim_names:
                if dependency:
                    depend_dimensions[dimension_dim_names] = dimension_size
                if newly_created:
                    created_regular_dims[dimension_dim_names] = dimension_size

        # There might be a few tweaks needed to the data or the dimension labels
        var_dims, var_data = _reformat_variable_dims_and_data(var_dims, var_data)

        # Looks for attributes to convert over to the things XArray uses to plot
        additional_variable_attrs = _find_xarray_plotting_values(var_atts)

        # If the user wants to convert all the FILLVAL values to NaNs, we got them covered
        if fillval_to_nan:
            var_data = _convert_fillvals_to_nan(var_data, var_atts, var_props)

        # Finally, create the new variable
        created_vars[var_name] = xr.Variable(var_dims, var_data, attrs=var_atts)

    return created_vars, depend_dimensions

def _verify_dimension_sizes(created_data_vars: Dict[str, xr.Variable], created_coord_vars: Dict[str, xr.Variable]) -> None:
    for var in created_data_vars:
        for d in created_data_vars[var].dims:
            d = cast(str, d)
            if d in created_data_vars:
                if created_data_vars[d].dims != (d,):
                    raise Exception(
                        f'ERROR: Variable "{var}" contains the dimensions {created_data_vars[var].dims}. '
                        f'Dimension "{d}" is a data variable, but '
                        f"its dimensions must be equal to itself. "
                        f"Instead, its dimensions are {created_data_vars[d].dims}. "
                        f'This is likely due to issues with "DEPEND_X" attributes in either {var} or {d}'
            if d in created_coord_vars:
                if created_coord_vars[d].dims != (d,):
                    raise Exception(
                        f'ERROR: Variable "{var}" contains the dimensions {created_data_vars[var].dims}. '
                        f'Dimension "{d}" is a data variable, but '
                        f"its dimensions must be equal to itself.  "
                        f"Instead, its dimensions are {created_coord_vars[d].dims}.  "
                        f'This is likely due to issues with "DEPEND_X" attributes in either {var} or {d}'
    for var in created_coord_vars:
        for d in created_coord_vars[var].dims:
            d = cast(str, d)
            if d in created_data_vars:
                if created_data_vars[d].dims != (d,):
                    raise Exception(
                        f'ERROR: Variable "{var}" contains the dimensions {created_coord_vars[var].dims}. '
                        f'Dimension "{d}" is a data variable, but '
                        f"its dimensions must be equal to itself.  "
                        f"Instead, its dimensions are {created_data_vars[d].dims}.  "
                        f'This is likely due to issues with "DEPEND_X" attributes in either {var} or {d}'
            if d in created_coord_vars:
                if created_coord_vars[d].dims != (d,):
                    raise Exception(
                        f'ERROR: Variable "{var}" contains the dimensions {created_coord_vars[var].dims}. '
                        f'Dimension "{d}" is a data variable, but '
                        f"its dimensions must be equal to itself.  "
                        f"Instead, its dimensions are {created_coord_vars[d].dims}.  "
                        f'This is likely due to issues with "DEPEND_X" attributes in either {var} or {d}'

[docs] def cdf_to_xarray(filename: str, to_datetime: bool = True, to_unixtime: bool = False, fillval_to_nan: bool = False) -> xr.Dataset: """ This function converts CDF files into XArray Dataset Objects. Parameters: filename (str): The path to the CDF file to read to_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to datetime64, or leave them as is to_unixtime (bool, optional): Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to unixtime, or leave them as is fillval_to_nan (bool, optional): If True, any data values that match the FILLVAL attribute for a variable will be set to NaN Returns: An XArray Dataset Object Example MMS: >>> # Import necessary libraries >>> import cdflib.xarray >>> import xarray as xr >>> import os >>> import urllib.request >>> # Download a CDF file >>> fname = 'mms2_fgm_srvy_l2_20160809_v4.47.0.cdf' >>> url = ("") >>> if not os.path.exists(fname): >>> urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fname) >>> # Load in and display the CDF file >>> mms_data = cdflib.xarray.cdf_to_xarray("mms2_fgm_srvy_l2_20160809_v4.47.0.cdf", to_unixtime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) >>> # Show off XArray functionality >>> >>> # Slice the data using built in XArray functions >>> mms_data2 = mms_data.isel(dim0=0) >>> # Plot the sliced data using built in XArray functions >>> mms_data2['mms2_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2'].plot() >>> # Zoom in on the slices data in time using built in XArray functions >>> mms_data3 = mms_data2.isel(Epoch=slice(716000,717000)) >>> # Plot the zoomed in sliced data using built in XArray functionality >>> mms_data3['mms2_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2'].plot() Example THEMIS: >>> # Import necessary libraries >>> import cdflib.xarray >>> import xarray as xr >>> import os >>> import urllib.request >>> # Download a CDF file >>> fname = 'thg_l2_mag_amd_20070323_v01.cdf' >>> url = ("") >>> if not os.path.exists(fname): >>> urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fname) >>> # Load in and display the CDF file >>> thg_data = cdflib.xarray.cdf_to_xarray(fname, to_unixtime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) Processing Steps: 1. For each variable in the CDF file 1. Determine the name of the dimension that spans the data "records" - Check if the variable itself might be a dimension - The DEPEND_0 likely points to the approrpiate dimensions - If neither of the above, we create a new dimensions named "recordX" 2. Determine the name of the other dimensions of the variable, if they exist - Check if the variable name itself might be a dimension - The DEPEND_X probably points to the appropriate dimensions for that variable, so we check those - If either of the above are time varying, the code appends "_dim" to the end of the name - If no dimensions are found through the above checks, create a dumension named "dimX" 3. Gather all attributes that belong to the variable 4. Add a few attributes that enable better plotting with built-in xarray functions (name, units, etc) 5. Optionally, convert FILLVALs to NaNs in the data 6. Optionally, convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH16/TT2000 variables to unixtime or datetime 7. Create an XArray Variable object using the dimensions determined in steps 1 and 2, the attributes from steps 3 and 4, and then the variable data 2. Gather all the Variable objects created in the first step, and separate them into data variables or coordinate variables 3. Gather all global scope attributes in the CDF file 4. Create an XArray Dataset objects with the data variables, coordinate variables, and global attributes. """ if to_datetime and to_unixtime: to_datetime = False # Convert the CDF file into a series of dicts, so we don't need to keep reading the file global_attributes, all_variable_attributes, all_variable_data, all_variable_properties = _convert_cdf_to_dicts( filename, to_datetime=to_datetime, to_unixtime=to_unixtime ) created_vars, depend_dimensions = _generate_xarray_data_variables( all_variable_data, all_variable_attributes, all_variable_properties, fillval_to_nan ) label_variables = _discover_label_variables(all_variable_attributes, all_variable_properties, all_variable_data) uncertainty_variables = _discover_uncertainty_variables(all_variable_attributes) # Determine which dimensions are coordinates vs actual data # Variables are considered coordinates if one of the other dimensions depends on them. # Otherwise, they are considered data coordinates. created_coord_vars: Dict[str, xr.Variable] = {} created_data_vars: Dict[str, xr.Variable] = {} for var_name in created_vars: if var_name in label_variables: # If these are label variables, we'll deal with these later when the DEPEND variables come up continue elif (var_name in depend_dimensions) or (var_name + "_dim" in depend_dimensions): # If these are DEPEND variables, add them to the DataSet coordinates created_coord_vars[var_name] = created_vars[var_name] # Check if these coordinate variable have associated labels for lab in label_variables: if label_variables[lab] == var_name: # Found one! if len(created_vars[lab].dims) == len(created_vars[var_name].dims): if created_vars[lab].size != created_vars[var_name].size: logger.warning( f"Warning, label variable {lab} does not match the expected dimension sizes of {var_name}" ) else: created_vars[lab].dims = created_vars[var_name].dims else: created_vars[lab].dims = (created_vars[var_name].dims[-1],) # Add the labels to the coordinates as well created_coord_vars[lab] = created_vars[lab] elif var_name in uncertainty_variables: # If there is an uncertainty variable, link it to the uncertainty along a dimension if created_vars[var_name].size == created_vars[uncertainty_variables[var_name]].size: created_vars[var_name].dims = created_vars[uncertainty_variables[var_name]].dims created_coord_vars[var_name] = created_vars[var_name] else: created_data_vars[var_name] = created_vars[var_name] else: created_data_vars[var_name] = created_vars[var_name] # Check that the datasets are valid _verify_dimension_sizes(created_data_vars, created_coord_vars) # Create the XArray DataSet Object! return xr.Dataset(data_vars=created_data_vars, coords=created_coord_vars, attrs=global_attributes)