Source code for cdflib.epochs

import csv
import datetime
import math
import os
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from cdflib.utils import _squeeze_or_scalar_complex, _squeeze_or_scalar_real

LEAPSEC_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "CDFLeapSeconds.txt")

epochs_type = Union[str, List[float], List[int], List[complex], Tuple[float, ...], Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[complex, ...], np.ndarray]

epoch_scalar_types = Union[int, np.int64, float, np.float64, complex, np.complex128]
epoch_list_types = Union[List[int], List[np.int64], List[float], List[np.float64], List[complex], List[np.complex128]]
epoch_types = Union[epoch_scalar_types, epoch_list_types, npt.NDArray]

encoded_type = Union[str, List[str]]

cdf_epoch_type = Union[float, np.float64, List[float], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]
cdf_epoch16_type = Union[complex, np.complex128, List[complex], npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]
cdf_tt2000_type = Union[int, np.int64, List[int], npt.NDArray[np.int64]]

[docs] class CDFepoch: """ Convert between CDF-based epochs, np.datetime64, and Unix time. There are three (3) epoch data types in CDF: 1. CDF_EPOCH is milliseconds since Year 0 represented as a single double (float in Python), 2. CDF_EPOCH16 is picoseconds since Year 0 represented as 2-doubles (complex in Python), and 3. CDF_TIME_TT2000 (TT2000 as short) is nanoseconds since J2000 with leap seconds, represented by an 8-byte integer (int in Python). In Numpy, they are np.float64, np.complex128 and np.int64, respectively. All these epoch values can come from from CDF.varget function. Example ------- >>> import cdflib # Convert to an epoch >>> epoch = cdflib.cdfepoch.compute_epoch([2017,1,1,1,1,1,111]) # Convert from an epoch >>> time = cdflib.cdfepoch.to_datetime(epoch) # Or pass epochs via CDF.varget. """ version = 3 release = 7 increment = 0 month_Token = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] JulianDateJ2000_12h = 2451545 J2000Since0AD12h = 730485 J2000Since0AD12hSec = 63113904000.0 J2000Since0AD12hMilsec = 63113904000000.0 J2000LeapSeconds = 32.0 dT = 32.184 dTinNanoSecs = 32184000000 MJDbase = 2400000.5 SECinNanoSecs = 1000000000 SECinNanoSecsD = 1000000000.0 DAYinNanoSecs = int(86400000000000) HOURinNanoSecs = int(3600000000000) MINUTEinNanoSecs = int(60000000000) T12hinNanoSecs = int(43200000000000) # Julian days for 1707-09-22 and 2292-04-11, the valid TT2000 range JDY17070922 = 2344793 JDY22920411 = 2558297 DEFAULT_TT2000_PADVALUE = int(-9223372036854775807) FILLED_TT2000_VALUE = int(-9223372036854775808) NERA1 = 14 LTS = [] with open(LEAPSEC_FILE) as lsfile: lsreader = csv.reader(lsfile, delimiter=" ") for csv_row in lsreader: if csv_row[0] == ";": continue csv_row = list(filter(("").__ne__, csv_row)) row: List[Union[int, float]] = [] for r in csv_row[:3]: row.append(int(r)) for r in csv_row[3:6]: row.append(float(r)) LTS.append(row) NDAT = len(LTS) NST: Optional[List[int]] = None currentDay = -1 currentJDay = -1 currentLeapSeconds: float = -1
[docs] @staticmethod def encode(epochs: epoch_types, iso_8601: bool = True) -> encoded_type: """ Converts one or more epochs into UTC strings. The input epoch format is deduced from the argument type. Parameters ---------- epochs: int, float, list, complex One or more ECD epochs in one of three formats: 1. CDF_EPOCH: The input should be either a float or list of floats (in numpy, a np.float64 or a np.ndarray of np.float64) 2. CDF_EPOCH16: The input should be either a complex or list of complex(in numpy, a np.complex128 or a np.ndarray of np.complex128) 3. TT2000: The input should be either a int or list of ints (in numpy, a np.int64 or a np.ndarray of np.int64) iso_8601: bool The return time format. If ISO 8601 is True, the format is, for example, 2008-02-02T06:08:10.10.012014016, otherwise the format is 02-Feb-2008 06:08: """ epochs = np.array(epochs) if epochs.dtype == np.int64: return CDFepoch.encode_tt2000(epochs, iso_8601) elif epochs.dtype == np.float64: return CDFepoch.encode_epoch(epochs, iso_8601) elif epochs.dtype == np.complex128: return CDFepoch.encode_epoch16(epochs, iso_8601) else: raise TypeError(f"Not sure how to handle type {epochs.dtype}")
[docs] @staticmethod def breakdown(epochs: epoch_types) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns ------- np.ndarray 1D if scalar input, 2D otherwise. """ epochs = np.array(epochs) if epochs.dtype.type == np.int64: return CDFepoch.breakdown_tt2000(epochs) elif epochs.dtype.type == np.float64: return CDFepoch.breakdown_epoch(epochs) elif epochs.dtype.type == np.complex128: return CDFepoch.breakdown_epoch16(epochs) else: raise TypeError(f"Not sure how to handle type {epochs.dtype}")
@staticmethod def _compose_date( nat_positions: npt.NDArray, years: npt.NDArray, months: npt.NDArray, days: npt.NDArray, hours: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, minutes: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, seconds: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, milliseconds: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, microseconds: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, nanoseconds: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.datetime64]: """ Take date components and return a numpy datetime array. """ years = np.asarray(years) - 1970 months = np.asarray(months) - 1 days = np.asarray(days) - 1 types = ("<M8[Y]", "<m8[M]", "<m8[D]", "<m8[h]", "<m8[m]", "<m8[s]", "<m8[ms]", "<m8[us]", "<m8[ns]") vals = (v for v in (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds) if v is not None) arrays: List[npt.NDArray[np.datetime64]] = [np.array(v, dtype=t) for t, v in zip(types, vals)] total_datetime = np.array(sum(arrays)) total_datetime = np.where(nat_positions, np.datetime64("NaT"), total_datetime) return total_datetime
[docs] @classmethod def to_datetime(cls, cdf_time: epoch_types) -> npt.NDArray[np.datetime64]: """ Converts CDF epoch argument to numpy.datetime64. Parameters: cdf_time: NumPy scalar/arrays to convert. np.int64 will be converted to cdf_tt2000, np.complex128 will be converted to cdf_epoch16, and floats will be converted to cdf_epoch. Notes: Because of datetime64 limitations, CDF_EPOCH16 precision is only kept to the nearest nanosecond. """ times = cls.breakdown(cdf_time) times = np.atleast_2d(times) fillval_locations = np.all((times[:, 0:7] == [9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999]), axis=1) padval_locations = np.all((times[:, 0:7] == [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), axis=1) nan_locations = np.logical_or(fillval_locations, padval_locations) return cls._compose_date(nan_locations, *times.T[:9]).astype("datetime64[ns]")
[docs] @staticmethod def unixtime(cdf_time: npt.ArrayLike) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]: """ Converts CDF epoch argument into seconds after 1970-01-01. This method converts a scalar, or array-like. Precision is only kept to the nearest microsecond. """ cdf_time = np.atleast_1d(cdf_time) time_list = np.atleast_2d(CDFepoch.breakdown(cdf_time)) unixtime = [] utc = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta()) for t in time_list: date: List[int] = [0] * 7 for i in range(0, len(t)): if i > 7: continue elif i == 6: date[i] = 1000 * t[i] elif i == 7: date[i - 1] += t[i] else: date[i] = t[i] unixtime.append( datetime.datetime(date[0], date[1], date[2], date[3], date[4], date[5], date[6], tzinfo=utc).timestamp() ) return _squeeze_or_scalar_real(unixtime)
[docs] @staticmethod def timestamp_to_cdfepoch(unixtime_data: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a unix timestamp to CDF_EPOCH, the number of milliseconds since the year 0. """ # Make sure the object is iterable. Sometimes numpy arrays claim to be iterable when they aren't. times = np.atleast_1d(unixtime_data) cdf_time_data = [] for ud in times: if not np.isnan(ud): dt = np.datetime64(int(ud * 1000), "ms") dt_to_convert = [ dt.item().year, dt.item().month, dt.item().day, dt.item().hour, dt.item().minute, dt.item().second, int(dt.item().microsecond / 1000), ] converted_data = CDFepoch.compute(dt_to_convert) else: converted_data = np.nan cdf_time_data.append(converted_data) return np.array(cdf_time_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def timestamp_to_cdfepoch16(unixtime_data: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a unix timestamp to CDF_EPOCH16 """ # Make sure the object is iterable. Sometimes numpy arrays claim to be iterable when they aren't. times = np.atleast_1d(unixtime_data) cdf_time_data = [] for ud in times: if not np.isnan(ud): dt = np.datetime64(int(ud * 1000000), "us") dt_to_convert = [ dt.item().year, dt.item().month, dt.item().day, dt.item().hour, dt.item().minute, dt.item().second, int(dt.item().microsecond / 1000), int(dt.item().microsecond % 1000), 0, 0, ] converted_data = CDFepoch.compute(dt_to_convert) else: converted_data = np.nan cdf_time_data.append(converted_data) return np.array(cdf_time_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def timestamp_to_tt2000(unixtime_data: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a unix timestamp to CDF_TIME_TT2000 """ # Make sure the object is iterable. Sometimes numpy arrays claim to be iterable when they aren't. times = np.atleast_1d(unixtime_data) cdf_time_data = [] for ud in times: if not np.isnan(ud): dt = np.datetime64(int(ud * 1000000), "us") dt_to_convert = [ dt.item().year, dt.item().month, dt.item().day, dt.item().hour, dt.item().minute, dt.item().second, int(dt.item().microsecond / 1000), int(dt.item().microsecond % 1000), 0, ] converted_data = CDFepoch.compute(dt_to_convert) else: converted_data = np.nan cdf_time_data.append(converted_data) return np.array(cdf_time_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute(datetimes: npt.ArrayLike) -> Union[int, float, complex, npt.NDArray]: """ Computes the provided date/time components into CDF epoch value(s). For CDF_EPOCH: For computing into CDF_EPOCH value, each date/time elements should have exactly seven (7) components, as year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond, in a list. For example: [[2017,1,1,1,1,1,111],[2017,2,2,2,2,2,222]] Or, call function compute_epoch directly, instead, with at least three (3) first (up to seven) components. The last component, if not the 7th, can be a float that can have a fraction of the unit. For CDF_EPOCH16: They should have exactly ten (10) components, as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond and picosecond, in a list. For example: [[2017,1,1,1,1,1,123,456,789,999],[2017,2,2,2,2,2,987,654,321,999]] Or, call function compute_epoch directly, instead, with at least three (3) first (up to ten) components. The last component, if not the 10th, can be a float that can have a fraction of the unit. For TT2000: Each TT2000 typed date/time should have exactly nine (9) components, as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond, in a list. For example: [[2017,1,1,1,1,1,123,456,789],[2017,2,2,2,2,2,987,654,321]] Or, call function compute_tt2000 directly, instead, with at least three (3) first (up to nine) components. The last component, if not the 9th, can be a float that can have a fraction of the unit. """ if not isinstance(datetimes, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("datetime must be in list form") datetimes = np.atleast_2d(datetimes) items = datetimes.shape[1] if items == 7: return _squeeze_or_scalar_real(CDFepoch.compute_epoch(datetimes)) elif items == 10: return _squeeze_or_scalar_complex(CDFepoch.compute_epoch16(datetimes)) elif items == 9: return _squeeze_or_scalar_real(CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(datetimes)) else: raise TypeError("Unknown input")
[docs] @staticmethod def findepochrange( epochs: epochs_type, starttime: Optional[epoch_types] = None, endtime: Optional[epoch_types] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds the record range within the start and end time from values of a CDF epoch data type. It returns a list of record numbers. If the start time is not provided, then it is assumed to be the minimum possible value. If the end time is not provided, then the maximum possible value is assumed. The epoch is assumed to be in the chronological order. The start and end times should have the proper number of date/time components, corresponding to the epoch's data type. The start/end times should be in either be in epoch units, or in the list format described in "compute_epoch/epoch16/tt2000" section. """ epochs = np.array(epochs) if epochs.dtype == np.int64: return CDFepoch.epochrange_tt2000(epochs, starttime, endtime) elif epochs.dtype == np.float64: return CDFepoch.epochrange_epoch(epochs, starttime, endtime) elif epochs.dtype == np.complex128: return CDFepoch.epochrange_epoch16(epochs, starttime, endtime) else: raise TypeError("Bad input")
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_tt2000(tt2000: cdf_tt2000_type, iso_8601: bool = True) -> encoded_type: new_tt2000 = np.atleast_1d(tt2000) count = len(new_tt2000) encodeds = [] for x in range(count): nanoSecSinceJ2000 = new_tt2000[x] if nanoSecSinceJ2000 == CDFepoch.FILLED_TT2000_VALUE: if iso_8601: return "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999" else: return "31-Dec-9999 23:59:59.999.999.999" if nanoSecSinceJ2000 == CDFepoch.DEFAULT_TT2000_PADVALUE: if iso_8601: return "0000-01-01T00:00:00.000000000" else: return "01-Jan-0000 00:00:" datetime = CDFepoch.breakdown_tt2000(nanoSecSinceJ2000) ly = datetime[0] lm = datetime[1] ld = datetime[2] lh = datetime[3] ln = datetime[4] ls = datetime[5] ll = datetime[6] lu = datetime[7] la = datetime[8] if iso_8601: # yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmuuunnn encoded = str(ly).zfill(4) encoded += "-" encoded += str(lm).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += str(ld).zfill(2) encoded += "T" encoded += str(lh).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(ln).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(ls).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(ll).zfill(3) encoded += str(lu).zfill(3) encoded += str(la).zfill(3) else: # dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm.uuu.nnn encoded = str(ld).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += CDFepoch.month_Token[lm - 1] encoded += "-" encoded += str(ly).zfill(4) encoded += " " encoded += str(lh).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(ln).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(ls).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(ll).zfill(3) encoded += "." encoded += str(lu).zfill(3) encoded += "." encoded += str(la).zfill(3) if count == 1: return encoded else: encodeds.append(encoded) return encodeds
[docs] @staticmethod def breakdown_tt2000(tt2000: cdf_tt2000_type) -> np.ndarray: """ Breaks down the epoch(s) into UTC components. Calculate date and time from cdf_time_tt2000 integers Parameters ---------- epochs : array-like Single, list, tuple, or np.array of tt2000 values Returns ------- components : ndarray List or array of date and time values. The last axis contains (in order): year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond Notes ----- If a bad epoch is supplied, a fill date of 9999-12-31 23:59:59 and 999 ms, 999 us, and 999 ns is returned. """ new_tt2000 = np.atleast_1d(tt2000).astype(np.longlong) count = len(new_tt2000) toutcs = np.zeros((9, count), dtype=int) datxs = CDFepoch._LeapSecondsfromJ2000(new_tt2000) # Do some computations on arrays to speed things up post2000 = new_tt2000 > 0 nanoSecsSinceJ2000 = new_tt2000.copy() nanoSecsSinceJ2000[~post2000] += CDFepoch.T12hinNanoSecs nanoSecsSinceJ2000[~post2000] -= CDFepoch.dTinNanoSecs secsSinceJ2000 = (nanoSecsSinceJ2000 / CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecsD).astype(np.longlong) nansecs = (nanoSecsSinceJ2000 - secsSinceJ2000 * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs).astype(np.longlong) posNanoSecs = new_tt2000 > 0 secsSinceJ2000[posNanoSecs] -= 32 secsSinceJ2000[posNanoSecs] += 43200 nansecs[posNanoSecs] -= 184000000 negNanoSecs = nansecs < 0 nansecs[negNanoSecs] += CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs secsSinceJ2000[negNanoSecs] -= 1 t2s = secsSinceJ2000 * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs + nansecs post72 = datxs[:, 0] > 0 secsSinceJ2000[post72] -= datxs[post72, 0].astype(int) epochs = CDFepoch.J2000Since0AD12hSec + secsSinceJ2000 datxzero = datxs[:, 1] == 0.0 epochs[post72 & ~datxzero] -= 1 xdates = CDFepoch._EPOCHbreakdownTT2000(epochs) # If 1 second was subtracted, add 1 second back in # Be careful not to go 60 or above xdates[5, post72 & ~datxzero] += 1 xdates[4, post72 & ~datxzero] = np.rint(xdates[5, post72 & ~datxzero] / 60.0) xdates[5, post72 & ~datxzero] = xdates[5, post72 & ~datxzero] % 60 # Set toutcs, then loop through and correct for pre-1972 toutcs[:6, :] = xdates[:6, :] for x in np.nonzero(~post72)[0]: if datxs[x, 0] <= 0.0: # pre-1972... epoch = epochs[x] t2 = t2s[x] t3 = new_tt2000[x] nansec = nansecs[x] xdate = np.zeros(9) xdate[:6] = xdates[:, x] xdate[8] = nansec tmpNanosecs = CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(xdate) if tmpNanosecs != t3: dat0 = CDFepoch._LeapSecondsfromYMD(xdate[0], xdate[1], xdate[2]) tmpx = t2 - int(dat0 * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) tmpy = int(float(tmpx / CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecsD)) nansec = int(tmpx - tmpy * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) if nansec < 0: nansec = CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs + nansec tmpy = tmpy - 1 epoch = tmpy + CDFepoch.J2000Since0AD12hSec xdate = np.zeros(9) xdate[:6] = CDFepoch._EPOCHbreakdownTT2000(epoch)[:, 0] xdate[8] = nansec tmpNanosecs = CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(xdate) if tmpNanosecs != t3: dat0 = CDFepoch._LeapSecondsfromYMD(xdate[0], xdate[1], xdate[2]) tmpx = t2 - int(dat0 * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) tmpy = int((1.0 * tmpx) / CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecsD) nansec = int(tmpx - tmpy * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) if nansec < 0: nansec = CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs + nansec tmpy = tmpy - 1 epoch = tmpy + CDFepoch.J2000Since0AD12hSec xdate = np.zeros(9) xdate[:6] = CDFepoch._EPOCHbreakdownTT2000(epoch)[:, 0] xdate[8] = nansec tmpNanosecs = CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(xdate) if tmpNanosecs != t3: dat0 = CDFepoch._LeapSecondsfromYMD(xdate[0], xdate[1], xdate[2]) tmpx = t2 - int(dat0 * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) tmpy = int((1.0 * tmpx) / CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecsD) nansec = int(tmpx - tmpy * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) if nansec < 0: nansec = CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs + nansec tmpy = tmpy - 1 epoch = tmpy + CDFepoch.J2000Since0AD12hSec # One more determination xdate = CDFepoch._EPOCHbreakdownTT2000(epoch) nansecs[x] = nansec toutcs[:6, x] = xdate[:6] # Finished pre-1972 correction ml1 = nansecs // 1000000 tmp1 = nansecs - (1000000 * ml1) overflow = ml1 > 1000 ml1[overflow] -= 1000 toutcs[6, :] = ml1 toutcs[5, overflow] += 1 ma1 = tmp1 // 1000 na1 = tmp1 - 1000 * ma1 toutcs[7, :] = ma1 toutcs[8, :] = na1 # Check standard fill and pad values cdf_epoch_time_tt2000 = np.atleast_2d(toutcs.T) fillval_locations = np.all(cdf_epoch_time_tt2000 == [1707, 9, 22, 12, 12, 10, 961, 224, 192], axis=1) cdf_epoch_time_tt2000[fillval_locations] = [9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, 999, 999] padval_locations = np.all(cdf_epoch_time_tt2000 == [1707, 9, 22, 12, 12, 10, 961, 224, 193], axis=1) cdf_epoch_time_tt2000[padval_locations] = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] return np.squeeze(cdf_epoch_time_tt2000)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_tt2000(datetimes: npt.ArrayLike) -> Union[int, npt.NDArray[np.int64]]: if not isinstance(datetimes, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("datetime must be in list form") new_datetimes = np.atleast_2d(datetimes) count = len(new_datetimes) nanoSecSinceJ2000s = [] for x in range(count): datetime = new_datetimes[x] year = int(datetime[0]) month = int(datetime[1]) items = len(datetime) if items > 8: # y m d h m s ms us ns day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) minute = int(datetime[4]) second = int(datetime[5]) msec = int(datetime[6]) usec = int(datetime[7]) nsec = int(datetime[8]) elif items > 7: # y m d h m s ms us day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) minute = int(datetime[4]) second = int(datetime[5]) msec = int(datetime[6]) usec = int(datetime[7]) nsec = int(1000.0 * (datetime[7] - usec)) elif items > 6: # y m d h m s ms day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) minute = int(datetime[4]) second = int(datetime[5]) msec = int(datetime[6]) xxx = float(1000.0 * (datetime[6] - msec)) usec = int(xxx) nsec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) elif items > 5: # y m d h m s day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) minute = int(datetime[4]) second = int(datetime[5]) xxx = float(1000.0 * (datetime[5] - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) nsec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) elif items > 4: # y m d h m day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) minute = int(datetime[4]) xxx = float(60.0 * (datetime[4] - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) nsec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) elif items > 3: # y m d h day = int(datetime[2]) hour = int(datetime[3]) xxx = float(60.0 * (datetime[3] - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) nsec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) elif items > 2: # y m d day = int(datetime[2]) xxx = float(24.0 * (datetime[2] - day)) hour = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) nsec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid tt2000 components") if month == 0: month = 1 if ( year == 9999 and month == 12 and day == 31 and hour == 23 and minute == 59 and second == 59 and msec == 999 and usec == 999 and nsec == 999 ): nanoSecSinceJ2000 = CDFepoch.FILLED_TT2000_VALUE elif ( year == 0 and month == 1 and day == 1 and hour == 0 and minute == 0 and second == 0 and msec == 0 and usec == 0 and nsec == 0 ): nanoSecSinceJ2000 = CDFepoch.DEFAULT_TT2000_PADVALUE else: iy = 10000000 * month + 10000 * day + year if iy != CDFepoch.currentDay: CDFepoch.currentDay = iy CDFepoch.currentLeapSeconds = CDFepoch._LeapSecondsfromYMD(year, month, day) CDFepoch.currentJDay = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, month, day) jd = CDFepoch.currentJDay jd = jd - CDFepoch.JulianDateJ2000_12h subDayinNanoSecs = int( hour * CDFepoch.HOURinNanoSecs + minute * CDFepoch.MINUTEinNanoSecs + second * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs + msec * 1000000 + usec * 1000 + nsec ) nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(jd * CDFepoch.DAYinNanoSecs + subDayinNanoSecs) t2 = int(CDFepoch.currentLeapSeconds * CDFepoch.SECinNanoSecs) if nanoSecSinceJ2000 < 0: nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 + t2) nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 + CDFepoch.dTinNanoSecs) nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 - CDFepoch.T12hinNanoSecs) else: nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 - CDFepoch.T12hinNanoSecs) nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 + t2) nanoSecSinceJ2000 = int(nanoSecSinceJ2000 + CDFepoch.dTinNanoSecs) nanoSecSinceJ2000s.append(int(nanoSecSinceJ2000)) return np.squeeze(nanoSecSinceJ2000s)
@staticmethod def _LeapSecondsfromYMD(year: int, month: int, day: int) -> float: j = -1 m = 12 * year + month for i, _ in reversed(list(enumerate(CDFepoch.LTS))): n = 12 * CDFepoch.LTS[i][0] + CDFepoch.LTS[i][1] if m >= n: j = i break if j == -1: return 0 da = CDFepoch.LTS[j][3] # pre-1972 if j < CDFepoch.NERA1: jda = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, month, day) da = da + ((jda - CDFepoch.MJDbase) - CDFepoch.LTS[j][4]) * CDFepoch.LTS[j][5] return da @staticmethod def _LeapSecondsfromJ2000(nanosecs: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray: nanosecs = np.atleast_1d(nanosecs) da = np.zeros((nanosecs.size, 2)) j = -1 * np.ones(nanosecs.size, dtype=int) if CDFepoch.NST is None: CDFepoch._LoadLeapNanoSecondsTable() for i, _ in reversed(list(enumerate(CDFepoch.NST))): idxs = (j == -1) & (nanosecs >= CDFepoch.NST[i]) j[idxs] = i if i < (CDFepoch.NDAT - 1): overflow = nanosecs + 1000000000 >= CDFepoch.NST[i + 1] da[overflow, 1] = 1.0 if np.all(j > 0): break LTS = np.array(CDFepoch.LTS) da[:, 0] = LTS[j, 3] da[j <= CDFepoch.NERA1, 0] = 0 return da @staticmethod def _LoadLeapNanoSecondsTable() -> None: CDFepoch.NST = [] for ix in range(0, CDFepoch.NERA1): CDFepoch.NST.append(CDFepoch.FILLED_TT2000_VALUE) for ix in range(CDFepoch.NERA1, CDFepoch.NDAT): CDFepoch.NST.append( int( CDFepoch.compute_tt2000( [int(CDFepoch.LTS[ix][0]), int(CDFepoch.LTS[ix][1]), int(CDFepoch.LTS[ix][2]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ) ) ) @staticmethod def _EPOCHbreakdownTT2000(epoch: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray: epoch = np.atleast_1d(epoch) minute_AD, second_AD = np.divmod(epoch, 60) hour_AD, minute_AD = np.divmod(minute_AD, 60) day_AD, hour_AD = np.divmod(hour_AD, 24) # minute_AD = second_AD / 60.0 # hour_AD = minute_AD / 60.0 # day_AD = hour_AD / 24.0 l = 1721060 + 68569 + day_AD n = (4 * l / 146097).astype(int) l = l - ((146097 * n + 3) / 4).astype(int) i = (4000 * (l + 1) / 1461001).astype(int) l = l - (1461 * i / 4).astype(int) + 31 j = (80 * l / 2447).astype(int) k = l - (2447 * j / 80).astype(int) l = (j / 11).astype(int) j = j + 2 - 12 * l i = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l date = np.array([i, j, k, hour_AD, minute_AD, second_AD]) return date
[docs] @staticmethod def epochrange_tt2000( epochs: cdf_tt2000_type, starttime: Optional[epoch_types] = None, endtime: Optional[epoch_types] = None ) -> npt.NDArray: if isinstance(epochs, int) or isinstance(epochs, np.int64): pass elif isinstance(epochs, list) or isinstance(epochs, tuple) or isinstance(epochs, np.ndarray): if isinstance(epochs[0], int) or isinstance(epochs[0], np.int64): pass else: raise ValueError("Bad data") else: raise ValueError("Bad data") stime: Union[int, np.int64] if starttime is None: stime = int(-9223372036854775807) else: if isinstance(starttime, int) or isinstance(starttime, np.int64): stime = starttime elif isinstance(starttime, list): stime = int(CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(starttime)) else: raise ValueError("Bad start time") if endtime is not None: if isinstance(endtime, int) or isinstance(endtime, np.int64): etime = endtime elif isinstance(endtime, list) or isinstance(endtime, tuple): etime = int(CDFepoch.compute_tt2000(endtime)) else: raise ValueError("Bad end time") else: etime = int(9223372036854775807) if stime > etime: raise ValueError("Invalid start/end time") new_epochs = np.array(epochs) return np.where(np.logical_and(new_epochs >= stime, new_epochs <= etime))[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_epoch16(epochs: cdf_epoch16_type, iso_8601: bool = True) -> encoded_type: new_epochs = np.atleast_1d(epochs) count = len(new_epochs) encodeds = [] for x in range(count): # complex if (new_epochs[x].real == -1.0e31) and (new_epochs[x].imag == -1.0e31): if iso_8601: encoded = "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999999" else: encoded = "31-Dec-9999 23:59:59.999.999.999.999" else: encoded = CDFepoch._encodex_epoch16(new_epochs[x], iso_8601) if count == 1: return encoded else: encodeds.append(encoded) return encodeds
@staticmethod def _encodex_epoch16(epoch16: cdf_epoch16_type, iso_8601: bool = True) -> str: components = CDFepoch.breakdown_epoch16(epoch16) if iso_8601: # year-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmuuunnnppp encoded = str(components[0]).zfill(4) encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[1]).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[2]).zfill(2) encoded += "T" encoded += str(components[3]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[4]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[5]).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[6]).zfill(3) encoded += str(components[7]).zfill(3) encoded += str(components[8]).zfill(3) encoded += str(components[9]).zfill(3) else: # dd-mmm-year hh:mm:ss.mmm.uuu.nnn.ppp encoded = str(components[2]).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += CDFepoch.month_Token[components[1] - 1] encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[0]).zfill(4) encoded += " " encoded += str(components[3]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[4]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[5]).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[6]).zfill(3) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[7]).zfill(3) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[8]).zfill(3) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[9]).zfill(3) return encoded @staticmethod def _JulianDay(y: int, m: int, d: int) -> int: a1 = int(7 * (int(y + int((m + 9) / 12))) / 4) a2 = int(3 * (int(int(y + int((m - 9) / 7)) / 100) + 1) / 4) a3 = int(275 * m / 9) return 367 * y - a1 - a2 + a3 + d + 1721029
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_epoch16(datetimes: npt.ArrayLike) -> Union[complex, npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]: new_dates = np.atleast_2d(datetimes) count = len(new_dates) epochs = [] for x in range(count): epoch = [] date = new_dates[x] items = len(date) year = date[0] month = date[1] xxx: Union[float, int] = 0 if items > 9: # y m d h m s ms us ns ps day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(date[6]) usec = int(date[7]) nsec = int(date[8]) psec = int(date[9]) elif items > 8: # y m d h m s ms us ns day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(date[6]) usec = int(date[7]) nsec = int(date[8]) psec = int(1000.0 * (date[8] - nsec)) elif items > 7: # y m d h m s ms us day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(date[6]) usec = int(date[7]) xxx = int(1000.0 * (date[7] - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) elif items > 6: # y m d h m s ms day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(date[6]) xxx = float(1000.0 * (date[6] - msec)) usec = int(xxx) xxx = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) elif items > 5: # y m d h m s day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) xxx = float(1000.0 * (date[5] - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) xxx = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) elif items > 4: # y m d h m day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) xxx = float(60.0 * (date[4] - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) xxx = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) elif items > 3: # y m d h day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) xxx = float(60.0 * (date[3] - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) xxx = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) elif items > 2: # y m d day = int(date[2]) xxx = float(24.0 * (date[2] - day)) hour = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) msec = int(xxx) xxx = float(1000.0 * (xxx - msec)) usec = int(xxx) xxx = int(1000.0 * (xxx - usec)) nsec = int(xxx) psec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - nsec)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid epoch16 components") if year < 0: raise ValueError("Illegal epoch field") if ( year == 9999 and month == 12 and day == 31 and hour == 23 and minute == 59 and second == 59 and msec == 999 and usec == 999 and nsec == 999 and psec == 999 ): epoch.append(-1.0e31) epoch.append(-1.0e31) elif ( (year > 9999) or (month < 0 or month > 12) or (hour < 0 or hour > 23) or (minute < 0 or minute > 59) or (second < 0 or second > 59) or (msec < 0 or msec > 999) or (usec < 0 or usec > 999) or (nsec < 0 or nsec > 999) or (psec < 0 or psec > 999) ): epoch = CDFepoch._computeEpoch16(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec, usec, nsec, psec) else: if month == 0: if day < 1 or day > 366: epoch = CDFepoch._computeEpoch16(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec, usec, nsec, psec) else: if day < 1 or day > 31: epoch = CDFepoch._computeEpoch16(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec, usec, nsec, psec) if month == 0: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, 1, 1) + (day - 1) - 1721060 else: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, month, day) - 1721060 secInDay = (3600 * hour) + (60 * minute) + second epoch16_0 = float(86400.0 * daysSince0AD) + float(secInDay) epoch16_1 = float(psec) + float(1000.0 * nsec) + float(1000000.0 * usec) + float(1000000000.0 * msec) epoch.append(epoch16_0) epoch.append(epoch16_1) cepoch = complex(epoch[0], epoch[1]) epochs.append(cepoch) return _squeeze_or_scalar_complex(epochs)
@staticmethod def _calc_from_julian(epoch0: npt.ArrayLike, epoch1: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray: """Calculate the date and time from epoch input Parameters ---------- epoch0 : int, float, array-like First element of an epoch array (epoch time in seconds) epoch1 : float, array-like Second element of an epoch array (epoch time in picoseconds) Returns ------- out : array-like Array of 10 integers (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, picosecond) if a single value is input. For array input, the shape is altered by adding another axis of length 10 (holding the same values). """ # Cast input as an array for consistent handling of scalars and lists second_ce = np.asarray(epoch0) # Determine epoch minutes, hours, and days minute_ce = second_ce / 60.0 hour_ce = minute_ce / 60.0 day_ce = hour_ce / 24.0 # Calculate the juian day, using integer rounding jd = (1721060 + day_ce).astype(int) l = jd + 68569 n = (4 * l / 146097).astype(int) l = l - ((146097 * n + 3) / 4).astype(int) i = (4000 * (l + 1) / 1461001).astype(int) l += 31 - (1461 * i / 4).astype(int) j = (80 * l / 2447).astype(int) dy = l - (2447 * j / 80).astype(int) # Continue to get month and year l = (j / 11).astype(int) mo = j + 2 - 12 * l yr = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l # Finish calculating the epoch hours, minutes, and seconds hr = (hour_ce % 24.0).astype(int) mn = (minute_ce % 60.0).astype(int) sc = (second_ce % 60.0).astype(int) # Get the fractional seconds msec = np.asarray(epoch1) ps = (msec % 1000.0).astype(int) msec = msec / 1000.0 ns = (msec % 1000.0).astype(int) msec = msec / 1000.0 mus = (msec % 1000.0).astype(int) msec = msec / 1000.0 ms = msec.astype(int) # Recast the output as integers or lists if second_ce.shape == (): out = np.array([int(yr), int(mo), int(dy), int(hr), int(mn), int(sc), int(ms), int(mus), int(ns), int(ps)]) else: out = np.array([yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, ms, mus, ns, ps]).transpose() return out
[docs] @staticmethod def breakdown_epoch16(epochs: cdf_epoch16_type) -> npt.NDArray: """ Calculate date and time from epochs Parameters ---------- epochs : array-like Single, list, tuple, or np.array of epoch values Returns ------- components : ndarray List or array of date and time values. The last axis contains (in order): year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, and picosecond Notes ----- If a bad epoch (-1.0e31 for the real and imaginary components) is supplied, a fill date of 9999-12-31 23:59:59 and 999 ms, 999 us, 999 ns, and 999 ps is returned """ if isinstance(epochs, (complex, np.complex128)) or isinstance(epochs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): new_epochs = np.asarray(epochs) if new_epochs.shape == (): cshape = [] new_epochs = np.array([epochs]) else: cshape = list(new_epochs.shape) else: raise TypeError("Bad data for epochs: {:}".format(type(epochs))) cshape.append(10) components = np.full(shape=cshape, fill_value=[9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, 999, 999, 999]) for i, epoch16 in enumerate(new_epochs): # Ignore fill values if (epoch16.real != -1.0e31) or (epoch16.imag != -1.0e31) or np.isnan(epoch16): if (epoch16.imag == -1.0e30) or (epoch16.imag == -1.0e30): components[i] = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] continue esec = -epoch16.real if epoch16.real < 0.0 else epoch16.real efra = -epoch16.imag if epoch16.imag < 0.0 else epoch16.imag if len(components.shape) == 1: components = CDFepoch._calc_from_julian(esec, efra) else: components[i] = CDFepoch._calc_from_julian(esec, efra) return components
@staticmethod def _computeEpoch16(y: int, m: int, d: int, h: int, mn: int, s: int, ms: int, msu: int, msn: int, msp: int) -> List[float]: if m == 0: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(y, 1, 1) + (d - 1) - 1721060 else: if m < 0: y = y - 1 m = 13 + m daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(y, m, d) - 1721060 if daysSince0AD < 0: raise ValueError("Illegal epoch") epoch = [] epoch.append(float(86400.0 * daysSince0AD + 3600.0 * h + 60.0 * mn) + float(s)) epoch.append(float(msp) + float(1000.0 * msn) + float(1000000.0 * msu) + math.pow(10.0, 9) * ms) if epoch[1] < 0.0 or epoch[1] >= math.pow(10.0, 12): if epoch[1] < 0.0: sec = int(epoch[1] / math.pow(10.0, 12)) tmp = epoch[1] - sec * math.pow(10.0, 12) if tmp != 0.0 and tmp != -0.0: epoch[0] = epoch[0] + sec - 1 epoch[1] = math.pow(10.0, 12.0) + tmp else: epoch[0] = epoch[0] + sec epoch[1] = 0.0 else: sec = int(epoch[1] / math.pow(10.0, 12)) tmp = epoch[1] - sec * math.pow(10.0, 12) if tmp != 0.0 and tmp != -0.0: epoch[1] = tmp epoch[0] = epoch[0] + sec else: epoch[1] = 0.0 epoch[0] = epoch[0] + sec if epoch[0] < 0.0: raise ValueError("Illegal epoch") else: return epoch
[docs] @staticmethod def epochrange_epoch16( epochs: cdf_epoch16_type, starttime: Optional[epoch_types] = None, endtime: Optional[epoch_types] = None ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: new_epochs = np.atleast_1d(epochs) stime: Tuple[Union[float, np.float64], Union[float, np.float64]] etime: Tuple[Union[float, np.float64], Union[float, np.float64]] if starttime is None: stime = (-1.0e31, -1.0e31) else: if isinstance(starttime, complex) or isinstance(starttime, np.complex128): stime = (starttime.real, starttime.imag) elif isinstance(starttime, list): sstime = complex(CDFepoch.compute_epoch16(starttime)) stime = (sstime.real, sstime.imag) else: raise ValueError("Bad start time") if endtime is not None: if isinstance(endtime, complex) or isinstance(endtime, np.complex128): etime = (endtime.real, endtime.imag) elif isinstance(endtime, list): eetime = complex(CDFepoch.compute_epoch16(endtime)) etime = (eetime.real, eetime.imag) else: raise ValueError("Bad start time") else: etime = (1.0e31, 1.0e31) if stime[0] > etime[0] or (stime[0] == etime[0] and stime[1] > etime[1]): raise ValueError("Invalid start/end time") count = len(new_epochs) epoch16 = [] for x in range(0, count): epoch16.append(new_epochs[x].real) epoch16.append(new_epochs[x].imag) count = count * 2 indx = [] if epoch16[0] > etime[0] or (epoch16[0] == etime[0] and epoch16[1] > etime[1]): return None if epoch16[count - 2] < stime[0] or (epoch16[count - 2] == stime[0] and epoch16[count - 1] < stime[1]): return None for x in range(0, count, 2): if epoch16[x] < stime[0]: continue elif epoch16[x] == stime[0]: if epoch16[x + 1] < stime[1]: continue else: indx.append(int(x / 2)) break else: indx.append(int(x / 2)) break if len(indx) == 0: indx.append(0) hasadded = False for x in range(0, count, 2): if epoch16[x] < etime[0]: continue elif epoch16[x] == etime[0]: if epoch16[x + 1] > etime[1]: indx.append(int((x - 1) / 2)) hasadded = True break else: indx.append(int((x - 1) / 2)) hasadded = True break if not hasadded: indx.append(int(count / 2) - 1) return np.arange(indx[0], indx[1] + 1, step=1)
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_epoch(epochs: cdf_epoch_type, iso_8601: bool = True) -> encoded_type: new_epochs = np.atleast_1d(epochs) count = len(new_epochs) encodeds = [] for x in range(0, count): epoch = new_epochs[x] if epoch == -1.0e31: if iso_8601: encoded = "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999" else: encoded = "31-Dec-9999 23:59:59.999" else: encoded = CDFepoch._encodex_epoch(epoch, iso_8601) if count == 1: return encoded encodeds.append(encoded) return encodeds
@staticmethod def _encodex_epoch(epoch: cdf_epoch_type, iso_8601: bool = True) -> str: components = CDFepoch.breakdown_epoch(epoch) if iso_8601: # year-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm encoded = str(components[0]).zfill(4) encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[1]).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[2]).zfill(2) encoded += "T" encoded += str(components[3]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[4]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[5]).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[6]).zfill(3) else: # dd-mmm-year hh:mm:ss.mmm encoded = str(components[2]).zfill(2) encoded += "-" encoded += CDFepoch.month_Token[components[1] - 1] encoded += "-" encoded += str(components[0]).zfill(4) encoded += " " encoded += str(components[3]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[4]).zfill(2) encoded += ":" encoded += str(components[5]).zfill(2) encoded += "." encoded += str(components[6]).zfill(3) return encoded
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_epoch(dates: npt.ArrayLike) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]: # TODO Add docstring. What is the output format? new_dates = np.atleast_2d(dates) count = new_dates.shape[0] epochs = [] for x in range(0, count): date = new_dates[x] year = date[0] month = date[1] items = len(date) if items > 6: # y m d h m s ms day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(date[6]) elif items > 5: # y m d h m s day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) second = int(date[5]) msec = int(1000.0 * (date[5] - second)) elif items > 4: # y m d h m day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) minute = int(date[4]) xxx = float(60.0 * (date[4] - minute)) second = int(xxx) msec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) elif items > 3: # y m d h day = int(date[2]) hour = int(date[3]) xxx = float(60.0 * (date[3] - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) msec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) elif items > 2: # y m d day = int(date[2]) xxx = float(24.0 * (date[2] - day)) hour = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - hour)) minute = int(xxx) xxx = float(60.0 * (xxx - minute)) second = int(xxx) msec = int(1000.0 * (xxx - second)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid epoch components") if year == 9999 and month == 12 and day == 31 and hour == 23 and minute == 59 and second == 59 and msec == 999: epochs.append(-1.0e31) if year < 0: raise ValueError("ILLEGAL_EPOCH_FIELD") if ( (year > 9999) or (month < 0 or month > 12) or (hour < 0 or hour > 23) or (minute < 0 or minute > 59) or (second < 0 or second > 59) or (msec < 0 or msec > 999) ): epochs.append(CDFepoch._computeEpoch(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec)) if month == 0: if day < 1 or day > 366: epochs.append(CDFepoch._computeEpoch(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec)) else: if day < 1 or day > 31: epochs.append(CDFepoch._computeEpoch(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec)) if hour == 0 and minute == 0 and second == 0: if msec < 0 or msec > 86399999: epochs.append(CDFepoch._computeEpoch(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec)) if month == 0: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, 1, 1) + (day - 1) - 1721060 else: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(year, month, day) - 1721060 if hour == 0 and minute == 0 and second == 0: msecInDay = msec else: msecInDay = (3600000 * hour) + (60000 * minute) + (1000 * second) + msec if count == 1: return np.array(86400000.0 * daysSince0AD + msecInDay) epochs.append(86400000.0 * daysSince0AD + msecInDay) return _squeeze_or_scalar_real(epochs)
@staticmethod def _computeEpoch(y: int, m: int, d: int, h: int, mn: int, s: int, ms: int) -> float: if m == 0: daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(y, 1, 1) + (d - 1) - 1721060 else: if m < 0: --y m = 13 + m daysSince0AD = CDFepoch._JulianDay(y, m, d) - 1721060 if daysSince0AD < 1: raise ValueError("ILLEGAL_EPOCH_FIELD") msecInDay = float(3600000.0 * h + 60000.0 * mn + 1000.0 * s) + float(ms) msecFromEpoch = float(86400000.0 * daysSince0AD + msecInDay) if msecFromEpoch < 0.0: return -1.0 else: return msecFromEpoch
[docs] @staticmethod def breakdown_epoch(epochs: cdf_epoch_type) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate date and time from epochs Parameters ---------- epochs : int, float, or array-like Single, list, tuple, or np.array of epoch values Returns ------- components : list List or array of date and time values. The last axis contains (in order): year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond Notes ----- If a bad epoch (-1.0e31) is supplied, a fill date of 9999-12-31 23:59:59 and 999 ms is returned. """ # Test input and cast it as an array of floats if ( isinstance(epochs, float) or isinstance(epochs, np.float64) or isinstance(epochs, list) or isinstance(epochs, tuple) or isinstance(epochs, np.ndarray) or isinstance(epochs, int) ): new_epochs = np.asarray(epochs).astype(float) if new_epochs.shape == (): cshape = [] new_epochs = np.array([epochs], dtype=float) else: cshape = list(new_epochs.shape) else: raise TypeError("Bad data for epochs: {:}".format(type(epochs))) # Initialize output to default values cshape.append(7) components = np.full(shape=cshape, fill_value=[9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999]) for i, epoch in enumerate(new_epochs): # Ignore fill values and NaNs if (epoch != -1.0e31) and not np.isnan(epoch): esec = -epoch / 1000.0 if epoch < 0.0 else epoch / 1000.0 date_time = CDFepoch._calc_from_julian(esec, 0.0) ms = (epoch % 1000.0).astype(int) date_time[..., 6] = int(ms) if ms.shape == () else ms if len(components.shape) == 1: components = date_time[..., :7] else: components[i] = date_time[..., :7] elif epoch == 0: components[i] = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] return np.squeeze(components)
[docs] @staticmethod def epochrange_epoch( epochs: epoch_types, starttime: Optional[epoch_types] = None, endtime: Optional[epoch_types] = None ) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(epochs, (float, np.float64)): pass elif isinstance(epochs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(epochs[0], (float, np.float64)): pass else: raise TypeError("Bad data") else: raise TypeError("Bad data") stime: Union[float, np.float64] if starttime is None: stime = 0.0 else: if isinstance(starttime, (float, int, np.float64)): stime = starttime elif isinstance(starttime, (list, tuple)): stime = float(CDFepoch.compute_epoch(starttime)) else: raise TypeError("Bad start time") if endtime is not None: if isinstance(endtime, (float, int, np.float64)): etime = endtime elif isinstance(endtime, (list, tuple)): etime = float(CDFepoch.compute_epoch(endtime)) else: raise TypeError("Bad end time") else: etime = 1.0e31 if stime > etime: raise ValueError("Invalid start/end time") new_epochs = np.array(epochs) return np.where(np.logical_and(new_epochs >= stime, new_epochs <= etime))[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(value: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str]]) -> np.ndarray: """ Parses the provided date/time string(s) into CDF epoch value(s). For CDF_EPOCH: The string has to be in the form of 'dd-mmm-yyyy' or '' (in iso_8601). The string is the output from encode function. For CDF_EPOCH16: The string has to be in the form of 'dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm.uuu.nnn.ppp' or 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmuuunnnppp' (in iso_8601). The string is the output from encode function. For TT2000: The string has to be in the form of 'dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm.uuu.nnn' or 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmuuunnn' (in iso_8601). The string is the output from encode function. """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(value[0], str): raise TypeError("should be a string or a list of string") elif not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, str)): raise TypeError("Invalid value... should be a string or a list of string") else: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): num = len(value) epochs = [] for x in range(num): epochs.append(CDFepoch._parse_epoch(value[x])) return np.squeeze(epochs) else: return np.squeeze(CDFepoch._parse_epoch(value))
@staticmethod def _parse_epoch(value: str) -> Union[int, float, complex]: if len(value) in (23, 24): # CDF_EPOCH if value.lower() in ("31-dec-9999 23:59:59.999", "9999-12-31t23:59:59.999"): return -1.0e31 else: if len(value) == 24: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(.+)\-(\d+) (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) dd = int(date[0][0]) mm = CDFepoch._month_index(date[0][1]) yy = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) ms = int(date[0][6]) else: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)T(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) yy = int(date[0][0]) mm = int(date[0][1]) dd = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) ms = int(date[0][6]) return float(CDFepoch.compute_epoch([yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, ms])) elif len(value) == 36 or (len(value) == 32 and value[10].lower() == "t"): # CDF_EPOCH16 if value.lower() in ("31-dec-9999 23:59:59.999.999.999.999", "9999-12-31t23:59:59.999999999999"): return -1.0e31 - 1.0e31j else: if len(value) == 36: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(.+)\-(\d+) (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) dd = int(date[0][0]) mm = CDFepoch._month_index(date[0][1]) yy = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) ms = int(date[0][6]) us = int(date[0][7]) ns = int(date[0][8]) ps = int(date[0][9]) else: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)T(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) yy = int(date[0][0]) mm = int(date[0][1]) dd = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) subs = int(date[0][6]) ms = int(subs / 1000000000) subms = int(subs % 1000000000) us = int(subms / 1000000) subus = int(subms % 1000000) ns = int(subus / 1000) ps = int(subus % 1000) return complex(CDFepoch.compute_epoch16([yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, ms, us, ns, ps])) elif len(value) == 29 or (len(value) == 32 and value[11] == " "): # CDF_TIME_TT2000 value = value.lower() if value == "9999-12-31t23:59:59.999999999" or value == "31-dec-9999 23:59:59.999.999.999": return -9223372036854775808 elif value == "0000-01-01t00:00.000000000" or value == "01-jan-0000 00:": return -9223372036854775807 else: if len(value) == 29: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)t(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) yy = int(date[0][0]) mm = int(date[0][1]) dd = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) subs = int(date[0][6]) ms = int(subs / 1000000) subms = int(subs % 1000000) us = int(subms / 1000) ns = int(subms % 1000) else: date = re.findall(r"(\d+)\-(.+)\-(\d+) (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)", value) dd = int(date[0][0]) mm = CDFepoch._month_index(date[0][1]) yy = int(date[0][2]) hh = int(date[0][3]) mn = int(date[0][4]) ss = int(date[0][5]) ms = int(date[0][6]) us = int(date[0][7]) ns = int(date[0][8]) return int(CDFepoch.compute_tt2000([yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, ms, us, ns])) else: raise ValueError("Invalid cdf epoch type...") @staticmethod def _month_index(month: str) -> int: if month.lower() == "jan": return 1 elif month.lower() == "feb": return 2 elif month.lower() == "mar": return 3 elif month.lower() == "apr": return 4 elif month.lower() == "may": return 5 elif month.lower() == "jun": return 6 elif month.lower() == "jul": return 7 elif month.lower() == "aug": return 8 elif month.lower() == "sep": return 9 elif month.lower() == "oct": return 10 elif month.lower() == "nov": return 11 elif month.lower() == "dec": return 12 else: return -1