
These classes store information returned from reading a CDF file.

class cdflib.dataclasses.ADRInfo(scope: int, next_adr_loc: int, attribute_number: int, num_gr_entry: int, max_gr_entry: int, num_z_entry: int, max_z_entry: int, first_z_entry: int, first_gr_entry: int, name: str)[source][source]
  • scope (int)

  • next_adr_loc (int)

  • attribute_number (int)

  • num_gr_entry (int)

  • max_gr_entry (int)

  • num_z_entry (int)

  • max_z_entry (int)

  • first_z_entry (int)

  • first_gr_entry (int)

  • name (str)

class cdflib.dataclasses.AEDR(entry: str | numpy.ndarray, data_type: int, num_elements: int, next_aedr: int, entry_num: int, num_strings: int | None = None)[source][source]
class cdflib.dataclasses.AttData(Item_Size, Data_Type, Num_Items, Data)[source][source]

Attribute data.

Data: Number | str | ndarray[source]

Data as a scalar value, a numpy array or a string.

Data_Type: str[source]

CDF data type.

Item_Size: int[source]

Number of bytes for each entry value.

Num_Items: int[source]

Number of values extracted.

class cdflib.dataclasses.CDFInfo(CDF, Version, Encoding, Majority, rVariables, zVariables, Attributes, Copyright, Checksum, Num_rdim, rDim_sizes, Compressed, LeapSecondUpdate=None)[source][source]

CDF information.

Attributes: List[Dict[str, str]][source]

List of dictionary objects that map attribute_name to scope.

CDF: str | Path[source]

Path to the CDF.

Checksum: bool[source]

Checksum indicator.

Compressed: bool[source]

If CDF is compressed at file level.

Encoding: int[source]

Endianness of the CDF.

LeapSecondUpdate: int | None = None[source]

Last updated leap second table.

Majority: str[source]

Row/column majority.

Num_rdim: int[source]

Number of dimensions for rVariables.

Version: str[source]

CDF version.

rDim_sizes: List[int][source]

Dimensional sizes for rVariables.

rVariables: List[str][source]

zVariable names.

zVariables: List[str][source]

rVariable names.

class cdflib.dataclasses.CDRInfo(encoding: int, copyright_: str, version: str, majority: int, format_: bool, md5: bool, post25: bool)[source][source]
class cdflib.dataclasses.GDRInfo(first_zvariable: int, first_rvariable: int, first_adr: int, num_zvariables: int, num_rvariables: int, num_attributes: int, rvariables_num_dims: int, rvariables_dim_sizes: List[int], eof: int, leapsecond_updated: int | None = None)[source][source]
  • first_zvariable (int)

  • first_rvariable (int)

  • first_adr (int)

  • num_zvariables (int)

  • num_rvariables (int)

  • num_attributes (int)

  • rvariables_num_dims (int)

  • rvariables_dim_sizes (List[int])

  • eof (int)

  • leapsecond_updated (int | None)

class cdflib.dataclasses.VDR(data_type: int, section_type: int, next_vdr_location: int, variable_number: int, head_vxr: int, last_vxr: int, max_rec: int, name: str, num_dims: int, dim_sizes: List[int], compression_bool: bool, compression_level: int, blocking_factor: int, dim_vary: List[int] | List[bool], record_vary: int, num_elements: int, sparse: int, pad: str | numpy.ndarray | NoneType = None)[source][source]
class cdflib.dataclasses.VDRInfo(Variable, Num, Var_Type, Data_Type, Data_Type_Description, Num_Elements, Num_Dims, Dim_Sizes, Sparse, Last_Rec, Rec_Vary, Dim_Vary, Compress, Pad=None, Block_Factor=None)[source][source]

Variable data record info.

Block_Factor: int | None = None[source]

Blocking factor (if variable is compressed).

Data_Type: int[source]

Variable CDF data type.

Dim_Sizes: List[int][source]

Shape of the variable record.

Dim_Vary: List[int] | List[bool][source]

a doc

Last_Rec: int[source]

Maximum written variable number (0-based).

Num: int[source]

Variable number.

Num_Dims: int[source]

Dimensionality of variable record.

Num_Elements: int[source]

Number of elements of the variable.

Pad: str | ndarray | None = None[source]

Padded value (if set).

Rec_Vary: int[source]

Record variance.

Var_Type: str[source]

zVariable or rVariable.


Variable type

Variable: str[source]

Name of the variable.